Frontier Fast Track 2 Horse Straight Model!
Featuring a unique modular design that incorporates a side ramp that is perfect for a cart, ATV or unloading your horses.
The Horse area is sized for larger breeds with 7’6″ height and 93″ stalls. There are many available options to customize this trailer to meet your needs!
Standard Features
14’8″ Floor, 6’8″ Wide, 7’6″ Tall, 37 1/2″ Stall Width, 84″ Stall
Improved All Box Tube Aluminum Chassis
One Piece, .040 Aluminum Roof w/Heavy Duty Radius Roof
Extruded Aluminum Decking
Bumper Pull, V-Nose, 24″ Stone Guard
.040 Pre-Painted Exterior Side Sheets, Full Length Running Boards
Tandem 3.5K Braked, Dexter Torsion Ride Axles
Silver Mods., 225/75R15 – 6 Lug Wheels
Newly Designed Straight Load Dividers w/ 2″ x 3″ Heavy-Wall
Upright, includes pads and padded Head and Butt bars
Large Sliding Windows w/Screen and Bars (53″ x 19″), Per Stall
1/2″ Rubber Mats
Heavy Duty Wall Liner in Horse Area
Spring Loaded Rear Ramp (Rubber Lined) w/Wrap Around Tail
Curtains w/Aluminum Hardware w/Huck bolts & Locking Hasps
Spring Loaded Side Ramp (Rubber Lined) w/Wrap Around Tail
Curtain w/Aluminum Hardware w/Huck bolts & Locking Hasps
2) Inside and (1) Outside Tie-Ring, Per Horse
(3) LED Dome Lights w/Toggle Switch
Double Action Pop-up Vent Per-Stall
32″ x 72″ V-Nose Escape Door w/Sliding Windows & Bars
Tack Features – V-Nose Mounted Adjustable Saddle Tree, and
Adjustable Bridle Hooks